LEAF (Local Environmental Action Florence Park)

LEAF is a group, examining and improving the local environment

By Jan Seed

Have you noticed the climate changing and fewer birds and insects than before? LEAF is a friendly group doing our bit to change that.      We welcome you – from Flo Park, Cowley or surrounding areas – to join us.

I joined LEAF because it is local and is really doing practical work to make people aware of what they could do to support wildlife and the environment.”

“I feel I can make a difference.”

We want the recovery after ‘lock-down’ to be better for people, climate and wildlife. We’ve planted flower beds for wildlife, installed swift boxes, publicised how to help hedgehogs etc.

The technology to reduce climate change already exists, and changes are already happening, like the rise of renewable energy. We help people learn ways to keep their homes warm in winter, cool in summer and have cheaper bills. At our ‘climate cafe’ people shared feelings about climate change. We held the first of a series of ‘Act Now’ workshops on Home Energy. During ‘lock-down’, other workshops are on Zoom. The next one is Food. Transport, Money, Waste & more to follow – look out for details.

We are now meeting online/phone. We hope to hear from you. LEAF is free to join.

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